Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pondering and Ruminating

The present moment is a powerful goddess.” —Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Some call it nostalgia, some call it introspection, ruminating and pondering are nice Southern names for the same things but the truth is I still spend a lot of time in the past —thinking about what I should have done or said, doubting,and second-guessing. Sometimes I savor a memory. Before my heart attack I too often swam in the deep water of regret.

Also before my chest was cracked open I would jump like frog legs in a frying pan into the future, planning my next career move, conquest or failure. In the meantime, life was often passing by unnoticed. (By the way fried frog legs taste just like chicken.)

As my healing progresses and deepens, I spend less and less time pondering the things I'm powerless to change. With hindsight I can even honor and be grateful for the addictions and addictive thinking as the powerful teachers they are. When I put judgment aside, I'm available to feel and see what’s happening right now, really see myself, and loved ones as they are. In this simple perspective lies freedom.

Question: What do you find yourself ruminating about these days?

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