Friday, June 4, 2010


"Where is the love, beauty and truth we seek, But in our mind?"
—Percy Shelley

Sometimes I just can’t figure things out. Especially during the early stages of my recovery from surgery I felt so out of control, perplexed, out of sorts. Then I'd hear a song on the radio, or see something beautiful that reminded me of what I love, or hear the call of a certain bird that flies me right back into the good parts of my childhood. Just taking a walk at these times reminded me there is no such thing as distance, no such state as “all alone.”

Today before leaving for work, during a break in the day’s schedule, or just before going to sleep I’m going to remember those moments of connectedness—seeing a fine picture, reading a great poem, appreciating a model airplane, an old TV show, a good song. Absorbing these small pleasures takes me back to the source of all beauty, energy, and bliss. As I remember what lifts me up, I’ll let myself feel uplifted; I’ll rest in that fullness and walk in that knowledge.

Question: What lifts you up when pressed down by the illusion "you're all alone"?

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