Wednesday, May 26, 2010

That Which Doesn't Break

By the time a man or woman reaches the age of fifty or sixty we have been cut, scraped, bruised, operated on, shocked, loved, left and loved again so many times that it is a wonder of wonders that we're even here at all.

The body is so fragile and tenuous and yet those same cuts, operations, bruises and even beatings somehow forge a soul that can not only survive but thrive if they are counter-balanced by enough love, friendship, tenderness, time and support.

The cracking open of my chest and the quadruple by-pass is one of the most invasive things I've ever endured and yet now 15 weeks later I, like many of those who have experienced this operation, feel more blessed, more energized, and more connected to people,pets, things than ever before. But I got to also admit I hope I don't ever have to go through another.

Question: What nearly broke you but ultimately became a big part of your healing?

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