Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opening The Heart: A Beginning

"In order to get where you want to go you have to accept where you really are." I've said this to many people over the years. It is time for me to do it again. I had a heart attack 10 weeks ago and a quadruple by-pass surgery. I was the last on my list of people and last on a lot of people's list to have heart attack. I wasn't super healthy but I exercised regularly, watched what I ate, didn't smoke or drink but I also didn't take into consideration my family history and the genetic component. I hope you will.

This blog is ultimately going to be about how you and I can open our hearts more fully to life, love, experience, art, creativity, health, healing and much more. But it is also going to be about, at least at first, my personal attempts to process this huge life change and perhaps help you in some small ways with your own life changes, transitions, losses and successes.

So here's a question for you to consider and hopefully post your answer/response/stories/insights: How did you come through your most recent "high growth experience"?

In my next blog post I will tell you a little about how I did.

Thanks for the connection.

John Lee

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